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Nov 21st, 2013

Gagging law meeting: Stroud members plan next steps

By Alex Price

Last night 38 Degrees members braved the rain for a get together in Stroud, to discuss plans for the gagging law. 27 of us crammed into the Golden Fleece for what was a fantastic meeting and a great chance for 38 Degrees members in Stroud to meet each other.

Everyone made a passionate case for how the gagging law would affect them and the causes they support, which really drove home how important an issue this is, and the damage the law could do. From Glosvain to the Stroud maternity ward, we heard how this law would gag local groups from campaigning on vital issues.

We all threw around some ideas of how to best put pressure on Neil Carmichael, to listen to his constituents and help us fix the bill. The enthusiasm in the room was fantastic and lots of plans were made. Members are going to set up stalls, organise a protest, write songs and hand out leaflets, so that everyone in the constituency hears about the meeting. There may even be a couple of surprises in store, so keep an eye out if you’re in Stroud next Saturday…

If you’re free the evening of  December 12th, please come along to the meeting for your chance to grill Neil Carmichael, and have your voice heard. Click here to join the Facebook event

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