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Nov 27th, 2013

Gagging Law: Petition Hand in

By Rebecca Falcon

38 Degrees members in Sheffield handed our massive petition to ‘Fix or Scrap the Gagging Law’ to Nick Clegg’s representative on Friday night. Over 200,000 people across the UK have signed the petition urging Clegg’s government to make serious changes to the gagging law – or scrap it entirely!

At the end of a packed meeting about the gagging law, 38 Degrees members gave Lib Dem councillor Joe Otten our giant petition with a clear message for the Deputy Prime Minister – this terrible law must be fixed or scrapped.

Nick Clegg is MP for Sheffield Hallam, but he refused to attend the meeting with his constituents on Friday and receive the petition in person. This didn’t stop us from coming together, and our massive petition, signed by over 200,000 people, is clear evidence that Clegg can’t ignore.

A huge thank you to everyone who signed the petition against the gagging law. By keeping up the pressure on our MPs, we are making it extremely difficult for the government to rush the gagging law through parliament. Together, by coming together to sign petitions or attend public meetings, we can convince MPs and peers that the gagging law must be fixed or scrapped.

You can still sign the petition and help to fix of scrap the gagging law. Please click here:

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