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Nov 29th, 2013

Nuclear waste consultation

By Alex Price


Our beloved Lake District could be in danger once more. Earlier in the year, thousands of 38 Degrees members came together to stop nuclear waste being dumped in the Lake District. But victories like this one are now under threat.

The Lake District was saved from nuclear waste because 38 Degrees members persuaded the local council that it was a bad idea. But now the government are planning to change the law so that people-powered victories like this will be harder, if not impossible.

The government’s now consulting on a scheme to bypass local opposition. Their consultation closes on Monday. So we don’t have long to try and persuade them it’s a terrible idea.

Click here to email the consultation now and tell the government to stop their plans?

Under the new proposals, local people wouldn’t have a say on whether or not to accept nuclear waste. The decision could be made by their district council and Westminster bureaucrats. There will be almost no way for local people to be heard – entire communities could be shut out.

So please, take a few minutes to respond to this consultation. If enough of us email the government expressing our concerns, we can persuade them to think twice about shutting out local people.

It’s really easy to send an email into the consultation. Just click here to help protect communities from nuclear waste:

I was so proud when 38 Degrees members came together from across the country to protect the Lake District for generations to come. But now, future fights are at risk and we need to work together once more for communities across the country. If anyone can do it, I know it’s us.

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