Dec 11th, 2013
GAGGING LAW – Come to a Public Meeting with Don Foster MP
By 38 Degrees team
Barbara and Paul, two 38 Degrees members in Bath, met their MP Don Foster last week for a chat about the gagging law. The good news is that at that meeting Don Foster agreed to speak at a public meeting they’ve been organising with other constituents.
The public meeting will be a great chance for people in Bath to come together and discuss with their MP the issues surrounding the gagging law.
Here are the details:
Friday 10th January 2014
Friends Meeting House, York Street, Bath, BA1 1NG
Everyone is welcome to come along, so please bring your friends and family. Even if you don’t want to ask a question, it will be interesting to hear what Don Foster, the speakers and the rest of your community have to say on the gagging law.
Please post your comments below.

The public meeting is at Friends Meeting House, York Street, BA1 1NG