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Dec 13th, 2013

‘Save our cyclists’ petition hand-in

By Andrew Tobert

Following a spate of cyclist’s deaths, 38 Degrees member Rhiannon Redpath set up a Campaigns By You petition calling for action. She wanted a plan, not platitudes. She wanted to see concrete improvements in the conditions that cyclists face on the road.

And clearly, a lot of other 38 Degrees members agreed with her. Very quickly, the petition reached 36,000 signatures – a huge number given that the petition was a local, London campaign.

On Tuesday, to coincide with a cycling debate in the London Assembly, we handed the petition in to Cycling Commissioner Andrew Gilligan at City Hall this morning.

 Cycle petition hand in


It was a beautiful day on London’s south bank, and the turnout was impressive. A crowd gathered along the river, placards in hand, spirits high. 38 Degrees members were joined by London Cycling Campaign, Cyclists Requiem Protest, and several London Assembly members from all main political parties.

Andrew Gilligan, the London Cycling Commissioner, spoke briefly and assured the crowd that he and the Mayor agreed with the campaign, but as of yet, he hasn’t released any concrete details.

38 Degrees members have become part of a movement calling on better conditions for cyclists. Not long after the petition was started, there was a protest outside the Transport For London (TFL) offices. With another planned towards the end of the year. Londoners, in their thousands, are coming together. Together, along with thousands of 38 Degrees members, we can all push for safer, more cycle-friendly streets.

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