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Mar 21st, 2014

38 Degrees in parliament!

By Ian Palmer

Yesterday, David Babbs gave evidence in parliament to the influential Political and Constitutional Reform Committee about the state of politics in the UK.  He wasn’t alone though. He was armed with over 100,000 survey responses from 38 Degrees members, explaining the broad range of views we hold about how our political system is broken, and what can be done to fix it.

The survey responses were pulled together into a report for the Committee to consider. To have a look at the report, click here.

If you’d like to watch the video of David giving evidence, click here.

Do you think David did a good job of representing what 38 Degrees members believe and stand for? Was there anything in particular you thought he got spot on? Or something important he didn’t mention? Post a comment below to discuss the report and David’s appearance with other 38 Degrees members across the country.


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