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Apr 24th, 2014

Nottingham NHS – What do you think?

By India Thorogood

Together, we can have a say in how our local health service is run. Nottingham’s walk-in centres are facing a review – and it looks like we could go from three walk-in centres to one ‘Urgent Care Centre.’ But the doctors making the decision want to know what local people think. So, can you help shape the changes before the survey closes tomorrow?

Walk-in centres provide fast treatment without an appointment – they’re used by all kinds of people, but are especially useful for families with children. And in the last few years, centres in Nottinghamshire have been under threat.

If lots of us respond to this consultation it will mean that such important changes to our health services won’t be made without local people having their say. It only takes a few minutes and there’s no need to answer every question, you can just comment on the things you care about most.

Click here to have your say on local NHS services in Nottingham.

The doctors reviewing the centres are part of the Nottingham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – it’s their job to listen to the views of local people. So this is a great opportunity for us to raise our voice and contribute to something that belongs to all of us – the NHS.

CCGs have the power to decide what health services we have access to, they can also decide whether they’re handed over to private companies looking to make a profit. So this is also a chance to stand up for a publicly owned and properly protected NHS in Nottingham – just as we’ve always done, all over the country.

By working together, we can make sure Nottingham CCG hears from hundreds of local people before they make any big decisions about the future of our local NHS services.The more of us who get in touch, the more people-powered our local NHS will be – and the more chance we have of keeping it safe and well-run.

Click here to add your thoughts to the survey before it closes tomorrow!

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