Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

May 15th, 2014


By Robin Priestley

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE! Exactly 5 years ago today 38 Degrees sent its first ever email!

Since then we’ve grown into a movement of 2.5 million people. A movement which exists to promote positive social change, to protect the environment and to challenge injustice.

Thank you so so much to everyone who’s joined in on this amazing journey! Here’s to the next five years!

What’s been your favourite campaign or moment? What campaigns have you been involved in? What should we do next?

Here are some of the highlights from the past 5 wonderful years:

May 2009: First ever 38 Degrees email sent
August 2009: 38 Degrees reaches 10,000 members
Nov 2009: Members quiz Ed Miliband about climate change

March 2010: 38 Degrees reaches 100,000 members
July 2010: WIN! 38 Degrees members save BBC 6 Music
July 2010: Save our forests campaign is launched

Feb 2011: WIN! 38 Degrees members stop the Forests sell off
May 2011: 38 Degrees members hand in the massive ‘Save the NHS’ petition to Nick Clegg
July 2011: WIN! We stop Rupert Murdoch’s takeover of BSkyB

Jan 2012: Health and Social Care act passed, 38 Degrees members vow to continue the fight
Mar 2012: 38 Degrees reaches 1 Million members
May 2012: Thousands of us switched energy suppliers to challenge the big energy companies
July 2012: WIN! 38 Degrees members force the Olympic sponsors not to dodge their tax
July 2012: Campaigns by You is launched!
Nov 2012: 38 Degrees wins Liberty Human Rights award

Jan 2013: A petition on Campaigns By You stopped a nuclear dump in the Lake district
April 2013: 38 Degrees members join the March of the Beekeepers on Parliament Sq with a petition of 285,000
May 2013: 38 Degrees members switch away from tax dodging Npower to teach them a lesson
July 2013: The government propose the gagging law – we launch a huge campaign to stop it
August 2013: Together we donated over £50,000 to help local fights against fracking
Nov 2013: Members gave £477,143 to help the Typhoon relief effort in the Philippines

Jan 2014: The gagging law vote is down to the wire. It’s a tie, but the gagging law is now law
February 2014: WIN! Together we force NHS England to pause the Care.data scheme
April 2014 – 38 Degrees members go door to door and register thousands of new voters
May 2014 – WIN! 38 Degrees members stop the Hospital Closure Clause
May 2014: We’re now 2.5 million strong

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We don’t answer to big corporations or government officials - 95.7% of our funding comes from people like you.

That’s how we stay independent and fight for what really matters: a UK that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. Will you chip in and help power our vital campaigns with a small donation?