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Jul 1st, 2014

Recall: Member consultation Results

By Ali Torabi

Over 30,000 members of 38 Degrees fed in their views on the member-funded recall bill. The members answered questions on nine different components of the bill. There overwhelming support for most of the components and broad agreement with some of the most technical aspects of the bill.

Here are some of the comments from 38 Degrees members:

“MPs have shown time and time again that their version of self-regulation is ineffective. The proposed committee of MPs here would be just as ineffective. The 38 Degrees draft bill is necessary if we are to have a truly democratic recall system.”

“I believe most MPs are sincere in their desire to serve their electorate and will not be troubled by this ‘law’. Hopefully, this law will drive out those who are not.”

“MPs get too comfortable knowing they hold majority. The threat of recall could cause MPs to focus back on their constituencies!”

The original consultation can be accessed here.

The results for each individual question can be seen in the pie charts below:

The 38 Degrees draft law puts voters in charge of deciding whether to recall an MP rather than a committee of MPs (which is what the government’s proposing). Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 94%
  • No: 5%
  • Don’t know: 1%

The 38 Degrees draft law says that if voters lose confidence in MPs, we should be able to recall him/ her in any circumstances. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 82%
  • No – it should only be when an MP breaks the law: 11%
  • No, it should only be if an MP is guilty of financial misconduct: 3%
  • I don’t know: 4%
<p> </p>
The 38 Degrees draft recall law says that if an MP is going through legal proceedings, the recall process should be paused until they have been found innocent or guilty. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 93%
  • No: 6%
  • Don’t know: 1%

The 38 Degrees draft law says that 20% of constituents are in favour of recalling their MP, a referendum of the whole constituency should be triggered. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 64%
  • No, it should be a higher percentage: 28%
  • No, it should be a lower percentage: 5%
  • I don’t know: 3%
<p> </p>
The 38 Degrees draft law says that central government should pay for the recall process. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 95%
  • No: 1%
  • Don’t know: 4%

The 38 Degrees draft law says that constituents should be able to sign the first stage of the recall process (which would trigger the actual recall petition) online and in person. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 97%
  • No: 1%
  • Don’t know: 2%
<p> </p>
The 38 Degrees draft law says that constituents should only be able to sign the second stage of the recall process (the actual recall petition) in person. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 72%
  • No: 18%
  • Don’t know: 10%

The 38 Degrees draft law sets limits on how much money can be spent on the campaigns during the recall process. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 94%
  • No: 1%
  • Don’t know: 5%
<p> </p>
The 38 Degrees draft law doesn’t have any limits for how many times an MP can be subject to a recall process per parliament. Does this sound right?

  • Yes: 83%
  • No: 13%
  • Don’t know: 4%
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