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Jul 1st, 2014

Save the Land Registry petition hand-in

By Rebecca Falcon

At the weekend,the Mail on Sunday reported that the Government will scrap its plans to sell off the Land Registry. Sounds like good news – but we haven’t won yet.

The Government hasn’t confirmed the story. They say we need to wait until the official consultation is published, before they’ll confirm whether privatisation is off the cards. A spokesperson from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills made this statement when asked:

“We have carried out a public consultation on the introduction of a Land Registry service delivery company, which looked at a range of options – including the status quo. We will publish the Government response shortly.”

Over 100,000 38 Degrees members have signed the petition to save the Land Registry. The Mail are saying it’s the sheer number of people against the government’s plans – from ordinary people, to trade unions and civil servants – that’s pushing them to back down.

People power is getting to them. So let’s step it up. It seems like they’re finalising the consultation report right now. Together, let’s put the views of thousands of 38 Degrees members in the thick of it – while ministers and department researchers dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

38 Degrees members are handing in the petition to the Department for Business on Wednesday morning. If you’re free could you come along on Wednesday to hand in the petition? We’re meeting at 11am outside the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in London. Click here for more details.

It’s been a brilliant few weeks for 38 Degrees members standing up for our public services.  Last week 38 Degrees members helped stop the privatisation of child protection services. And now this.

We’ve got a real chance of pushing the government to scrap plans to privatise the Land Registry for good. Let’s pick up the pressure now, and prove once again that when we work together, we can stand up to threats to our public services and win.

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