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Jul 2nd, 2014

Land Registry petition hand-in this morning

By Rebecca Falcon

This morning, 38 Degrees members and campaigners to stop the privatisatation of the Land Registry – from high street solicitors to the PCS Union – got together to hand in our 100,000 signature petition.

We gathered outside the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills at 11am with placards, a big ‘Keep the Land Registry Public’ banner, and lots of energy!

Land Registry petition hand-in

Representatives from Michael Fallon’s office – the minister this petition is addressed to – and the Department for Business came out to collect the petition.

Unfortunately neither Michael Fallon MP or Vince Cable MP, the two ministers working on plans to privatise the Land Registry, could make it. We were told they both had ‘important ministerial business’ to do.

It was leaked last weekend that the government will scrap their plans for privatisation – but ministers haven’t confirmed it yet.

Land Registry petition hand-in

So this petition hand-in was 38 Degrees members taking one last chance to hammer the message home – that we want to keep the Land Registry public.

If you haven’t yet, you can still sign the petition here.

Land Registry petition hand-in

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