Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Jul 28th, 2014

Your decision – 26th July

By Rachel Oliver

Every week a group of 38 Degrees members vote on which issues our movement should prioritise and which campaigns to get behind. Here are the results for last week.

Protecting the NHS by stopping the government’s dangerous plans like privatisation and closing A&E departments has come top this week.

The next biggest issues were: cracking down on tax dodging by big companies, protecting public land (like forests, parks and footpaths) from being sold off and campaigning for education policies that enable every child to reach their full potential.

You can see how 38 Degrees members voted on other issues on the graph below. The blue on the graph shows how many people answered ‘a lot’ in support of the campaigns listed, the red represents people answering ‘a little’, and the green is ‘not at all’.


Weekly poll 26th July

What do you think? Please comment below. For a full-size chart please click here.

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