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Aug 11th, 2014

TTIP: Sign the petition now

By Megan Bentall

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – a fancy name for a terrible trade deal between the EU and the US. If we don’t beat it, big business will be able to sue our government for protecting people and the planet, and privatisation of our NHS and other public services will be irreversible.

And 38 Degrees members have already done a lot to campaign against TTIP. Last month 38 Degrees members flooded the TTIP negotiating team in Brussels with emails, asking them to fix or scrap the deal. And thousands of 38 Degrees members chipped in raised £100,000 for an ad campaign going up in the Autumn.

But so far, the UK government hasn’t felt the heat.

Business Minister Vince Cable’s department is in charge of TTIP in the UK. He’ll decide what we sign up to – he could make or break the deal. He needs to know that we see him as personally responsible for protecting our NHS and stopping big business from walking all over our government. If he hears how important TTIP is to the public, he might do the right thing.

A huge petition is the first step in showing Vince that we’re watching him closely. And that we want him to fix or scrap TTIP. You can sign the petition here.

It’d be easy to fix this deal. Vince could take a stand against businesses being able to sue the government like Germany has done recently. Or he could call for the NHS and public services to be completely removed from the deal, like the French government did when they got some areas excluded. [4]

So let’s push TTIP into the spotlight and force Vince’s hand. Already thousands of us have chipped in and raised £100,000 for an ad campaign going up in the Autumn. [5] But we need to keep the pressure mounting. We need to tell Vince Cable to fix or scrap this deal.

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