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Aug 14th, 2014

Fracking public consultation: one day left

By Ali Torabi

The government is trying to change the law so fracking companies can drill under our homes, without our permission.  They’re consulting on the plan – but only for another 24 hours.  So let’s flood it with opposition.

The government is sensitive to anything that might be an election issue. Fracking is becoming toxic – let’s make sure they know that voters won’t accept dirty energy companies drilling under our homes.

You can email the consultation before 11.45pm on Friday 15th August to voice your opposition.

The government is on the side of the fracking firms. But they’re coming up against huge opposition. Within hours of the law’s announcement in May, 25,000 of us emailed our MPs to warn them about getting behind the government’s new law. And across the country communities are coming together to fight fracking on their doorsteps.

The future of fracking in the UK rests on this new law going through. Asked what would happen if it was stopped, the head of Cuadrilla, one of the biggest fracking companies, admitted: “I don’t think the industry will go ahead in the UK.”

Fracking companies will be making sure their voices are heard. But together our voices can drown them out.

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