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Aug 15th, 2014

Support your firefighters

By Elizabeth Baines

This morning, firefighter and 38 Degrees member Liam delivered a 7,606 strong petition to the office of Penny Mordaunt MP, the fire services minister. Firefighters across the country have been on strike this week over unfair pension changes.

Liam is calling for Penny Mordaunt to “reconsider the unfair, unworkable and unaffordable pension changes currently being imposed on the Fire Service”. You can sign his petition here.

Here’s what Liam says:

“I decided to start the petition as the changes currently being implemented are unfair and unworkable. Having picketed several times over the last months I knew the public supported our cause and this was a way to get that down on paper. I would like to thank everyone who contributed, by sharing or signing and hope it all leads to a successful outcome.”

And here he is outside the Department for Communities and Local Government earlier today (see picture below).

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