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Sep 2nd, 2014

TTIP: Day of action

By Ali Torabi

Last Saturday was an historic day for 38 Degrees members. Over 9600 of us went out into the streets, parks and shopping centres to talk about TTIP – that’s the biggest number of 38 Degrees members coming together on one day ever.

Together we handed out over a million leaflets, put over 30,000 posters in our windows, and spoke to thousands of people about this dangerous trade deal. Whether you handed out leaflets, or popped a poster in your window, everyone who took action made this a success.

38 Degrees members came together to campaign towns, cities and villages up and down the country, from Hackney in London to Hexham in Northumberland:

Here are some quotes from the members about the best bits of the day:

Best bits were meeting other members and talking to so many interesting people. People I would normally walk past in the street. Above all, it was a buzz getting the message across and getting people interested in the cause. Dan from Wandsworth, London

The guy who came running into the station to sign the petition – saying ‘I’ve read the leaflet and come back to sign – its criminal that its not out in the open’ Janet from Crockenhill, Kent

Although I was physically on my own, it was good to feel that others were also campaigning throughout the country –  so not really on my own. Rosemary from Byfleet, Surrey

Meeting other members, realising how ‘ordinary’ they are, realising I am not the only person around here that thinks TTIP is important. Connor from Widnes, Halton

Together 38 Degrees members gave out a million of leaflets and signed up thousands people to the petition asking Vince Cable the Business Secretary to fix or scrap TTIP.

Some took the digital approach, while other members kept faith with the trusty pen and paper:

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