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Sep 18th, 2014

Can you flyer at the Labour Party Conference on Monday?

By Rachel Oliver

NHS funding is in crisis. Hospitals are closing, services are being cut, and patients are being put at risk. All while our politicians bicker over how to fix it.

So what better timing – the Labour party conference is in Manchester from Sunday. It’s the perfect opportunity to hammer home our message: Ed Miliband should spend more money on the NHS if Labour win the next election.

Are you free on Monday afternoon? Together 38 Degrees members in Manchester can hand out hundreds of flyers outside the conference – to spark conversations amongst Labour party members. And crucially, push Ed Miliband to commit to protect our NHS.

38 Degrees members are meeting outside the entrance of the conference:
Where: Manchester Central Convention Complex
When: 2pm on Monday 22nd September

It’ll be easy to spot us in bright orange t-shirts. It’s a chance to meet other 38 Degrees members who live near you and stand up for our NHS, together. So if you’re free, please click here to RSVP.

38 Degrees members are calling on Ed Miliband to be bold to protect the NHS. Over 60,000 of us have already signed the petition for a 1p tax rise, so it has enough money to give us all top-class care.

This is the last party conference before the election. Ed Miliband will want to make announcements that show that Labour has a strong plan for the NHS. The idea of a 1p tax rise has been gaining support. So our presence flyering, and speaking to party members on their way in could have a big impact.

We’ve had success persuading Labour to change their policies before. Thousands of 38 Degrees members wrote to Ed Miliband asking him to commit to scrapping the gagging law. That’s now Labour Party policy! Let’s do the same again and get Labour to promise more funding for the NHS.

38 Degrees is independent of all political parties. We hold politicians of all stripes to account. With a general election less than a year away, Labour could soon be in charge and in a position to help or harm the NHS. So it’s worth pushing them to be bold on our NHS. If you can join in on Monday, please RSVP here now.

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