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Sep 19th, 2014

Cameron, Clegg and Miliband: keep your promises to Scotland

By [email protected]

Scotland has voted ‘no’ to independence. As half the country celebrates, the other half hurts. Scotland will stay in the UK, but 45% ‘yes’ is a clear vote for change.

So what now for Scotland? Do we go back to business as usual? Or do we get much more devolution?

When the polls swung towards ‘yes’ last week, Cameron, Miliband and Clegg jumped on trains going north. They promised much more power for Holyrood if Scotland voted ‘no’. More freedom, more autonomy. This morning, David Cameron pledged to honour their commitments.

But backbench MPs are already restless at the idea of more powers for Scotland. It’d be easy to quietly dilute the offer if disagreement grows.

We don’t have to accept that. 38 Degrees members are building a huge petition of hundreds of thousands of names from across Scotland to turn the spotlight on their promise. They made the offer through gritted teeth – now we can make it impossible for Cameron, Clegg and Miliband to back down.

If you’d like to join 38 Degrees members from Lerwick to Jedburgh, Arbroath to Stornoway, click here to add your name to the petition asking Cameron, Clegg and Miliband to follow through and grant more powers to Scotland.


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