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Sep 23rd, 2014

Save our NHS – hundreds descend on meeting with NHS bosses

By James Blair

Last Thursday, NHS bosses met to discuss the future of our NHS and I’m sure they’re in no doubt about what 38 Degrees members want.

The room was buzzing with energy as 38 Degrees members asked questions on privatisation, TTIP, whistle-blowing and funding cuts. And as well as the hundreds of members in the room, many more joined in by watching the meeting online, suggesting questions and sending messages of support. It was NHS England’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and we wanted to show how much we care about the NHS.

Pictures of 38 Degrees members at the NHS England AGM

With a sea of ‘I love the NHS’ t-shirts, we sent out a strong message that we love our health service too much to let it be sold off to the highest bidder. Last night, NHS bosses could clearly see which issues hit home, and more importantly which didn’t. When 38 Degrees members come together, we’re too powerful to be ignored.

We definitely rattled their cages. Here are some pictures from the day on Facebook – share them with your friends to show you were there: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/nhs-agm-pics

Missed it? You can watch the whole meeting again online. My favourite bit was when one of the participants put on one of our ‘I love the NHS’ t-shirts on-stage:

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