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Sep 24th, 2014

A real recall law: Event at Conservative Conference

By Rebecca Falcon

Here are the details of the 38 Degrees event on a Real Recall law at Conservative Party Conference:

Real Recall: a better democracy
19.15 – 20.30, Tuesday 30th September
Lodge 1, IET Birmingham
Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP


It could go either way. Conservative backbench MPs could decide to support 38 Degrees members’ definition of recall: the one that puts voters in charge of sacking MPs. Or they could support their government’s plans, which put MPs in charge.

Even though, on paper, Conservative MPs should be supportive of the government – we know that many backbench MPs are wavering.  But what better timing to convince them to vote for real recall? The Conservative Party conference is in Birmingham from Sunday – a great opportunity to get straight in front of the party machine.

So, the 38 Degrees staff team have quickly put together an event at the conference. There’ll be a panel of people aimed at convincing Conservative MPs, prospective candidates and party members to support giving more power to voters. To have the biggest impact, the room needs to be packed.

It’s people-power that’ll get them there. MPs and prospective MPs are much more likely to turn up if they know their voters want them to. Could you invite your MP? Or the person who wants to be your Conservative MP to come to the event? It’s on Tuesday morning, so please invite them now, by clicking here.

The event has a stellar line up – including Zac Goldsmith MP, the chief of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, and the Senior Political Correspondent at the Telegraph. It’ll be a pretty convincing panel.

Already lots of backbench Conservative MPs have signed up in support of the campaign. But getting as much support as possible from within Tory ranks is crucial. Their votes and the pressure they can bring could be what wins this.

We deserve a proper democracy. One where the power to hold our MPs to account sits with voters. A real recall law that empowers voters is within our grasp. But to get this change, enough Conservative MPs will have to back it when it’s being voted on in a few weeks.

The event at their conference is a good way to do this. But it needs to be packed. Please send an invitation now.

If you’re in Birmingham on Tuesday, please do come to the event. It would be great to have as many 38 Degrees members there as possible.

Here are the details:
Real Recall: a better democracy
When: 19.15 – 20.30, Tuesday 30th September
Where: Lodge 1, IET Birmingham: Austin Court, 80 Cambridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2NP

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