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Sep 24th, 2014

TTIP at UKIP conference – this Saturday

By James Blair

UKIP are holding their party conference in Doncaster this weekend. We know what they think about issues like immigration and Europe, but what about a huge trade deal that could privatise our NHS?

The deal is called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (or TTIP for short) and it’s being negotiated between the US and EU in secret. If it goes through it could let corporations sue our government if they don’t like our laws, and even stop the government raising the minimum wage in the future.

No matter what you think of UKIP, they have 24 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) – and they’ll all get to vote on TTIP. It’s not clear how many of them even know about this shady deal, let alone have opinions on it.

So let’s tell UKIP what ordinary people think of the trade deal. If UKIP members go into the conference in Doncaster holding our leaflets, they’ll ask MEPs loads of questions about the party’s line on the deal. TTIP will be a talking point – and we could start finding out how UKIP might vote in the European Parliament.

Can you join other 38 Degrees members outside the UKIP party conference at Doncaster Racecourse at 9am on Saturday for an hour or two of handing out leaflets about TTIP? Say you’ll head along here: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/ukip-conference-ttip

TTIP day of action

Just last month, thousands of 38 Degrees members handed out over a million leaflets about TTIP on their local high streets. Together, we exposed the dangers to our NHS and told our neighbours why everyone should care about this scary trade deal. Tens of thousands of people listened and added their names to the petition calling for the dodgy deal to be fixed or scrapped.

Now we need to turn the heat up on politicians. If everyone heading in to the conference is handed a leaflet covered in information about TTIP, once they’re inside they’ll be showing it to each other and talking about it. We could start a real buzz.

So can you spare a couple hours on at 9am on Saturday morning to put some pressure on UKIP? Click here to RSVP: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/ukip-conference-ttip

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