Oct 10th, 2014
TTIP Day of action tomorrow!
By India Thorogood
Almost 8000 38 Degrees members across the country are meeting up this Saturday to deliver leaflets and talk to the public about TTIP – the dangerous EU-US trade deal.
The idea is to pile pressure on to MEPs who have the power to scupper this dodgy trade deal.
Below are some frequently asked questions 38 Degrees members have asked, if you can’t find the answer to your question, you can always email the office team on ttipaction@38degrees.org.uk
What will happen on the day?
38 Degrees members are coming together to tell as many people as possible about this dangerous trade deal. It’s up to you how you raise awareness and it will probably be a bit different everywhere – some groups are handing out flyers on the high street, some are putting flyers through their neighbours’ doors, others will be meeting up and talking to people in busy local areas.
There won’t be a member of the 38 Degrees staff team at your local event, but there should be other 38 Degrees members there. You can click here to see how many people are expected in your area.
If you don’t want to meet up with a local group, you could just post the leaflets through the letterboxes on your street and put your TTIP poster up somewhere people can see it!
What to take with you:
- Leaflets to hand out – volunteers will receive these before Saturday
- A camera or smartphone if you have one to take pictures so you can share what’s happening on social media or emailing the 38 Degrees office team
- Any posters or placards you’d like to make and take
Handing out your leaflets
Try to find a prominent place with lots of foot traffic where you’re leafleting. Gather together with other 38 Degrees members who have come along.
If you don’t want to hand your leaflets directly to people, you can deliver them through the letterboxes of the people living on your street.
You’ll receive 200 leaflets through the post if you’ve signed up. If you think you’ll be able to hand out more and you’re able to print them off at home, please click this link for a copy of the flyers. They very by region, as they target MEPs:
Lots of people will have done this before and lots will be doing it for the first time. Use each other for support. Before the day you can chat to the other people in your area to ask their advice. Some people are meeting up before Saturday to talk through their plans.
Whatever your level of experience, there’s a few basic things to keep in mind. The first is to make sure you’re being respectful to everyone you meet and to keep yourself safe at all times.
The second is to have fun and be proud! Talking to people in your community and leafleting on an important issue you care about is fantastic. Whether you’re part of a big group with a market stall in a town, or walking your own street letterboxing in your village, you’re part of a much bigger movement to fix or scrap TTIP.
Some talking points to help start discussions:
Although it may seem daunting, having a conversation with others is one of the most effective ways to communicate your message. Remember, not everyone will agree with you (or even want to stop and talk at all) and that’s okay. Don’t be disheartened or take it personally, by being on the streets you’re already raising awareness about this secret trade deal.
Although a rehearsed speech might not be the best way to engage people in your community you might want to think of a few introductions to try and catch the attention of passers-by. Try a few different approaches with your group and share what happens!
The packet of materials contains a range of potential conversation starters, but simply asking someone “have you heard about TTIP?” might be enough to start a really good conversation.
How do I answer in depth questions about TTIP?
You don’t have to be an expert! If someone has a question about TTIP and you’re not sure about the answer, you can point them to the web address on the bottom of the flyer. The site includes links to further reading about TTIP, and should give any interested members of the public the answers they need.
Where should I give out my leaflets? Is it legal to give out leaflets?
There are a few different rules about giving out leaflets, but it’s definitely legal!
If you’re in a public place, you’re well within your rights to hand leaflets out to the public if it’s for acharity, or a political or religious group. So these leaflets will definitely be allowed. If anyone does ask you to move, put the ball back in their court and ask where you can hand them out instead.
If you’re meeting up somewhere that could be considered private property – like inside of a shopping centre – security or the centre’s managers could ask you to leave. If you are asked to leave somewhere by staff or security it’s best to do so and move to a public space to carry on handing out your leaflets.
You can get in touch with the 38 Degrees office team.
Call: 0207 970 6023
Tweet: @38_degrees
Email: ttipaction@38degrees.org.uk
I can’t attend (or unable/afraid to/ don’t want to sign up online etc) the day of action. How can I get involved?
You can still put a TTIP poster in your window or tell your friends and family about this secret deal. There will definitely be other opportunities to get involved – in the next few weeks people will be contacting MPs and MEPs to let them know our concerns about TTIP.
You could help make the day of action a big event by sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues! Why not share the event page on Twitter and Facebook.
If you don’t use social media why not email friends and family instead? Are there any local groups you know who might be interested?
If you’re a journalist and would like to speak to our media team, you can find our press office number on our media page.