Oct 16th, 2014
Scotland devolution petition hand-in
By Rachel Oliver
Today, our voices are echoing inside the House of Commons as politicians debate powers for Scotland.
Over 100,000 of us signed the petition calling for Westminster party leaders to keep their promises of new powers to Scotland. And yesterday 38 Degrees members travelled down to London to hand in the petition to 10 Downing Street.
38 Degrees members Aaron from Glasgow and Julie and Richard from Edinburgh.
Julie said: “What an experience, and not nearly as intimidating as I’d expected. I just wish we could have let the nice policeman from Edinburgh sign the petition in front of the big black door.”
Today, Westminster is debating the future of Scotland and our voices have been delivered straight into the debate. Gordon Brown has the petition with him – so the beautiful orange box hasn’t just gone straight to storage!
Before the Referendum, Westminster promised Scotland more powers on a clear timetable. But as soon as the vote was over, David Cameron suddenly said powers for Scotland should be linked to changes in the rest of the UK.
We’ll be watching the debate with our fingers crossed for some positive developments.