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Oct 20th, 2014

38 Degrees members vote to stop Care.data until it’s fixed

By [email protected]

Last week, 38 Degrees members voted on what to do about NHS England’s latest scheme.

They’re planning to start gathering more of our personal medical data. They say it’ll be used for research, and to improve our NHS. And Care.data could bring huge improvements. But right now, it has a major flaw: our health data will end up with private healthcare companies, as well as with doctors and researchers.

NHS England could fix that if they wanted to. It’s our data: we should be able to decide who gets to use it.

So last week, we voted on what to do. And by 98% to 2%, 38 Degrees members decided to block the roll-out of Care.data on the ground – until NHS England fixes the scheme to make sure we can opt out of giving our data to private companies.

You can see the poll here.

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