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Oct 22nd, 2014

Rochester and Strood by-election: writing the questions for our candidates together

By James Blair

Hundreds of 38 Degrees members in Rochester and Strood have voted on what they want 38 Degrees to do during the by-election. Now they’re writing the questions to put to the candidates.

Together, 38 Degrees members are working out how to get the issues they care about to the top of the political agenda. Things like the NHS, Lodge Hill and the privatisation of public services. 

Once the questions are finalised, we can start to grill the candidates. We can get their responses and each give them marks out of ten. Then we can tell the rest of Rochester and Strood what the politicians are really saying about these big issues.

Together we’ll create a people-powered “candidate scorecard”. It will help us focus an election debate on the issues that matter. It will also help voters make informed choices.

During the European elections earlier this year, 150000 38 Degrees members helped create people-powered scorecards. Thousands of us used them to help decide their vote and shared the results by email, on facebook and twitter.

A scorecard for Rochester and Strood will help strip away the spin around the parties, and turn the spotlight on the issues we care about. Together, we could try to change the terms of the by-election debate.


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