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Oct 28th, 2014

Rochester & Strood: Help advertise the people-powered question time

By Rebecca Falcon

Fed up of politicians answering questions they’ve picked themselves?

You’re not the only one. Hundreds of 38 Degrees members in Rochester and Strood voted to hold a public meeting where we could grill the MP candidates with our questions. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Can you make it?

What: People-powered Question Time
When: Tuesday 18 November, 7pm
Where: Rochester Corn Exchange, Northgate, ME1 1LS

Here’s a link to the event on Facebook where you can RSVP and share it with your friends and family. Let’s pack the room!

Can you help get even more people along by printing out the poster below and putting it up in your window? It’ll also show politicians door-knocking that you expect them to give you straight answers. You could even print out a few copies and put one in the local shop or library.


Here’s what it looks like:

Together, we can get past the media circus, and ask questions on the issues that we care about. Our people-powered question time will force candidates to address our concerns face-to-face.

Even if you don’t want to ask a question, all of the audience members will have voting cards to show how they feel about the MPs’ answers. This way you’ll be able to influence what your next MP promises to do about Medway Maritime Hospital, the Lodge Hill development, tax dodging and education.

The more people who attend, the clearer it’ll be to the candidates trying to be your MP that they can’t ignore people’s concerns.

So can come along? Everyone is welcome to come along to the question time – and it’s free. Click here to RSVP on Facebook and help us pack the room.

This event is a great way to pushing the issues we care about to the top of the agenda. But 38 Degrees members aren’t stopping there. Together we’ve written questions we can use to rank the candidates on issues like the NHS, jobs and the environment. And on Saturday, 38 Degrees members from across north Kent are going to help people register to vote.

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