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Nov 14th, 2014

Privatisation in the NHS

By Elizabeth Baines

Next Friday, MPs will vote on a law to stop the privatisation that is tearing apart our NHS. They’ll be voting on a proposal to curb the worst parts of the government’s Health and Social Care Act – that’s the law that is seeing the break-up and sell-off of our beloved healthcare system.

It’s going to be a hard vote to win. But it’s also a huge opportunity: if enough of our MPs vote the right way we could stop one of the biggest threats to our health service. And we need to make sure MPs know that 38 Degrees members are still watching their moves on the NHS.

Right now, 38 Degrees members are emailing their MPs asking them to turn up next Friday. If you’d like to email yours too, click here.

Since the Health and Social Care Act passed in 2012, 38 Degrees members have watched in horror as health privatisation has gathered pace. In just one year, over £10bn of NHS funding ended up in the hands of profit-hungry companies. Let’s make sure our MPs know that we believe in a decent healthcare service that provides decent care for everyone. Please email your MP today.

You can see the bill’s passage through Parliament here.

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