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Nov 25th, 2014

Nicola Sturgeon: stand up to TTIP

By India Thorogood

New First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is currently backing a dodgy EU-US trade deal which will take power out of Scotland, and put it in the hands of big American business. The deal, TTIP, will allow big US corporations like McDonald’s to sue our governments if they don’t like our laws.  How can that be in Scotland’s interest?

It’s Nicola Sturgeon’s first week in power, so a huge petition now will be perfectly timed to influence her while she’s new in the job. Please can you click here and sign the petition calling on her to change her mind.

It isn’t all bad news from the Scottish Government. They have said they will push to exempt the NHS from the privatisation that the TTIP deal could bring – that’s great. But they’re refusing to come out against the bit of the deal that could allow corporations to sue governments. Nicola Sturgeon’s been campaigning for independence – that’s not what independence looks like to most people.

The Scottish referendum brought out the best in our democracy – and not because it gave power to big corporations. But because it saw thousands of us taking action in our local communities, thousands of us registering to vote, and making our voice heard on the future of Scotland.

We need more of that – what we don’t need is to hand the keys of our democracy to big American business. Click here to sign the petition against TTIP to FM Nicola Sturgeon.

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