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Dec 2nd, 2014

Two rich landlord MPs stop revenge evictions becoming illegal

By Rachel Oliver

On Friday two rich landlord MPs scuppered a law which would have protected 9 million renters. Thanks to them, revenge evictions – where a landlord kicks out tenants who ask for repairs – are still legal.

The proposed law had support from the main political parties and thousands of us emailed our MPs asking them to get behind it. But on the day, it was just two MPs who are landlards themselves who had the last word. They used dirty tactics to talk and talk until there was no time left for a vote.

It was Westminster at its worst. Yet again it showed politicians looking after themselves rather than their constituents.

This isn’t the first time these rogue MPs have used these tactics to block laws that would help millions of people. Christopher Chope MP talked out a law to reduce pollution, blocked a move to stop debt sharks exploiting the world’s poorest countries, and objected to a debate on the Hillsborough disaster.

38 Degrees member, Zoe, has set up a campaign on Campaigns By You calling for an explanation for Friday’s antics. You can sign her petition here.

Friday was a disappointing day for both renters and our democracy. But 38 Degrees members along with campaigners at housing and homelessness charities Shelter and Crisis, got 60 MPs to turn up to vote. Together we helped push revenge evictions into the national news, and raised awareness of renter rights. A good law is also written and ready for next time.
And next time, we’ll come back stronger.

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