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Feb 23rd, 2015

Send your local paper a press release about the Save our NHS day

By Rachel Oliver

If “no recipients for your location” or “we couldn’t find that location” appeared on the previous page, that means we don’t have your local papers saved on the 38 Degrees data base. So instead, Google “the name of your local paper + news desk” and you should see the contact details for the editor.

You can then copy and paste the press release below into an email. Remember to change the text in square brackets to the details of your local event!

When you need to see how many people have signed your local ‘Save our NHS’ petition, click here.

Save our NHS Day press release:

Contact: [your name, your phone number and your email address]
For immediate release

Locals to take to the streets in [area] for ‘Save our NHS’ day

Local people in [area] will be taking to the streets on Saturday 28th February for a day of action to save the NHS.

The day of action, coordinated by campaign group 38 Degrees, will be held at [write in the location and time of your meet-ups here] and is open to all.

They will join more than 9,000 other members of 38 Degrees protesting on the same day across the UK.

[x,000] people in the area have already signed a petition to all of the candidates standing to be an MP in [constituency name] in May’s general election. The petition asks each candidate to commit to protect the NHS from privatisation, make sure it has the funding it needs, and keep the NHS out of the TTIP trade deal with the US.

[name], a 38 Degrees member from [area], said “[This quote is the place for you to write why you care about the NHS and why you want to challenge your local MP candidates by taking part in the day of action. Here’s an example: “We all need the NHS at our best and worst moments in life. That’s why I’ll be going out this Saturday to spread the word about our campaign and collect signatures on our local petition. Wolverhampton’s day of action will show our MP candidates that if they want to sell off or run down our NHS, they’ll have a fight on their hands.”]

David Babbs, executive director of 38 Degrees said: “This day of action should send a clear message to politicians: you’re being watched by millions of us fighting to protect our NHS.

“The NHS is the best healthcare system in the world, and it belongs to all of us. But too many politicians have ignored the doctors and nurses on the frontline. They’ve turned their back on the principle of an NHS owned by all of us and working to save lives, rather than to make money.

“People in [area] will be standing with thousands of people across the country to say that we love our NHS too much to let it be sold off to the highest bidder.”

The local petition to save the NHS is at: www.38degrees.org.uk/nhs

Notes to editors

38 Degrees is one of the UK’s biggest campaigning communities, with over 3 million members. 38 Degrees brings you together with other people to take action on the issues that matter to you and bring about real change in the UK.

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