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Feb 24th, 2015

March for the NHS this Sunday in Tredegar

By Rachel Oliver

The People’s March for the NHS is coming to Wales this Sunday. Will you join in?

At midday, NHS campaigners are coming together in Tredegar – birth place of NHS founder, Nye Bevan – for a day of celebration of our NHS. And they want 38 Degrees members to join them.

Will you join in and show your support for our NHS?
WHERE: The Circle, Tredegar
WHEN: 12 midday, Sunday 1st March
Click here for more information and to sign up.

If we want an NHS after May’s general election we need to be campaigning now. Why? Because our governments have pushed our NHS to breaking point: selling parts off to private companies and cutting funding in important areas.

This election is a chance to change this. On Sunday, hundreds of us are coming together to celebrate our NHS. Together, we can kick-start a huge campaign with a simple message to the people who want to be our MPs after May: ‘Save our NHS’. And what better place to kick off the campaign than Nye Bevan’s birth place?

Together, we’ll march along a 15 minute route from the clock tower to Bedwellty House. Then there’ll be inspiring speeches, West End theatre performances, historical talks, children’s activities and a BBQ! Can you join us? Click here to read more information about the day and say you’ll be there.

Together, we built the best healthcare system in the world. It belongs to all of us and we’re all proud of it. It looks after us at our best and worst moments. But if we want our children and grandchildren to still have an NHS in ten years, we need to make it this election’s top issue. The more people who come along on Sunday, the bigger our impact on future MPs!

“The NHS is for the people by the people and now the NHS can only be saved by the people.”

These are the words of the group of mums who walked from Jarrow to Westminster last August to protect our country’s most treasured public service. Now, as the general election approaches, we need to ramp up the campaign to save our NHS. Let’s come together this Sunday in Tredegar to celebrate our NHS’ founding principles – free and available to those who need it. Click here.

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