Feb 28th, 2015
Save our NHS: what a brilliant day!
By [email protected]
38 Degrees members were part of something big today. Together 38 Degrees members stood up for the NHS all across the country. Here’s a look at what’s been happening:
Over 11,000 of us hit the streets, adding name after name to a petition telling all our local politicians to save the NHS. Here’s a first look at pictures!
We’ve signed up young and old, neighbours and strangers:

We’ve all been united by a love of the NHS:

And now we’re making plans to get back out on the streets again:

Christine from Camborne says: “It was fantastic to speak to so many people who, like me, feel so passionately about the NHS and don’t want to see it broken up and sold off to private companies. The NHS is so important and so valued – it’s vital we continue to get out on the streets and make our politicians take notice of how strongly the public feels about the NHS.”
If you agree with her, you can set up a date and time to hit the streets again by clicking here. We may have got wet, we may have got cold, but here’s to a brilliant day.
As 38 Degrees member Jane said on Twitter: “I’ve been collecting signatures for 2 1/2 hours and loved every second. Everyone is adamant about keeping our NHS!”
If you’d like to see the full story of the day, click here: https://storify.com/38_Degrees/save-our-nhs-day