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Mar 1st, 2015

Camborne and Redruth NHS Day of Action

By Kate Treleaven

Local 38 Degrees members took to the streets in Camborne on Saturday 28 Feb to stand up for our NHS.  Armed with clipboards, placards, balloons and a loud hailer, they joined forces with 11,000 fellow 38 Degrees members across the country in a nationwide NHS Day of Action.

Their mission: to add as many names as possible to a petition calling on all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to do everything they can to protect the NHS. In particular, the petition called on candidates to:

  • Stop privatisation
  • Make sure the NHS has enough funding to provide high quality healthcare to everyone
  • Protect the NHS from US health corporations by keeping the NHS out of TTIP


The petition got off to a flying start even before members arrived at their town centre pitch. First to add her name to the petition was the shop assistant in WH Smiths who sold Cara her clipboard. Next was the barmaid in Wetherspoons where the group assembled for coffee before hitting the streets. Buoyed by the early support, Paul stayed behind in the pub to collect more signatures while the rest of the group headed out to catch the Saturday morning shoppers.

NHS DofA Camborne 2

Over 800 names were collected in just a couple of hours.

Christine said: “It was fantastic to speak to so many people who, like me, feel so passionately about the NHS and don’t want to see it broken up and sold off to private companies. The NHS is so important and so valued – it’s vital we continue to get out on the streets and make our politicians take notice of how strongly the public feels about the NHS.”

If you’d like to join the campaign to Save Our NHS, here’s how you can get involved:

  • Add your name to the petition here and share with your friends and family
  • Log on to the 38 Degrees election hub to connect with local 38 Degrees members and find out about future events in your area
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