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Mar 18th, 2015

Cardiff North: Join in the Tax Dodging day of action!

By Rebecca Falcon

This Saturday, 38 Degrees members in Cardiff North are taking on tax dodgers. Together, we’re hitting the streets to talk to local people – and gather signatures for the massive petition calling on politicians to crack down on tax dodging. Will you join in?

38 Degrees members voted to make tax dodging a big issue this election – and next Saturday we can start to do just that. Every conversation we have will put more pressure on the politicians trying to be Cardiff North’s MP to stop companies and individuals who avoid paying their fair share.

Liz, John, Maryse and other 38 Degrees members are hosting the event on the day. They’ll have petition sheets and leaflets about the campaign. But the more of us that join in the bigger our impact will be. Can you come along next Saturday? Please RSVP by clicking the link to let others know you’re coming (you’ll be able to chat with them on the website too).

Where: Outside the Post Office, 53 Merthyr Road, Whitchurch, CF14 1XG
When: Saturday 21st March, 10am
RSVP here.

Most of us pay our tax, and play our part in society. Because we’re serious about protecting our vital public services, like lifesaving NHS care and teachers to nurture our children. At a time when people are relying on food-banks, some rich individuals are stashing away billions. Tax dodgers have had special treatment for too long.

Two weeks ago, over 10,000 38 Degrees members came out in towns and cities across England to speak up for NHS services. On one day, we gathered over 170,000 signatures for local petitions to protect NHS services – and got the most media coverage of any 38 Degrees action, ever!

So can you spare an hour or two next Saturday to join in? Everyone is welcome and it will be a great way to meet other 38 Degrees members who live near you. Together we can make sure that everyone in Cardiff North knows that tax dodging is a key issue – and push our MP candidates to do the right thing.

Please click here to let the others know if you’ll be joining in.

Here’s some information on tax dodging to help you out on the day:

1. A copy of the report about the Mayfair Loophole.

2. Tax dodging costs the UK £119 billion a year, the current UK deficit is £90 billion

3. The Mayfair Loophole costs the UK £700m a year: this could pay for 13,000 teachers or 20,000 nurses

Tax dodging is an example of us living in an unequal society – with one rule for the rich, and another for the rest of us. Many fewer people are prosecuted for tax avoidance than benefits fraud. If we cracked down on tax dodging, we could rethink austerity – cuts that impact on local services.

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