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Mar 20th, 2015

Hands up for the NHS in Hove

By Sarah Holtam

38 Degrees members met in The Sussex pub in Hove last night to talk politics beside the fire. From TTIP to the Health & Social Care Act of 2012, then onto Austerity there was plenty to get us fired up.

On Saturday we’ll be back on the high street, putting our hands up high for the NHS. Join us for action on George Street this Saturday (21st March) to add weight to our petition to protect the NHS. You can join the discussion here, or meet us by Boots on George Street at 12pm.

That same evening we’re going over to Kemptown to meet 38 Degrees members from the other side of town to watch hard-hitting documentary “The Sell Off” – all are welcome, it’s a free event. Click here for details and to RSVP.

Brighton Pavilion members want to talk about TTIP, and we’re all invited – join them 7.30pm Monday 23rd March at 68 Middle Street. They hope to plan a city-wide public event to raise awareness and start conversations about TTIP before the election. Come along if you can. For details and to RSVP, click here.


Hove meeting 19th March


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