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Mar 23rd, 2015

Hampstead and Kilburn members campaign to save our NHS

By Cara Bevington

Following a successful day of action campaigning for the NHS in February, 38 Degrees members were out again at Finchley Rd over the weekend.

Armed with a megaphone, stacks of flyers, love heart balloons and of course clipboards with the petition, 38 Degrees members had a lot of fun talking to other locals about why the NHS is such an important election issue.

38 Degrees members - Hampstead and Kilburn

With less than 50 days to go until the general election, it wasn’t surprising that just around the corner from where 38 Degrees members had their table was a stall for the local Conservative candidate, Simon Marcus. Members took this opportunity to do some additional campaigning and questioned them about Simon’s position on privatisation of the NHS and on the dodgy trade deal TTIP.

If you want to get involved in future actions like this one, head on over to the election website where you can connect with other local 38 Degrees members and get involved in upcoming actions and events.

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