Mar 28th, 2015
Day of Action against TTIP in Scotland – come rain or shine!
By Jen Stout
Today, 38 Degrees members took to the streets from Dundee to Saltcoats. Braving gale-force winds, we persuaded thousands more people to sign the petition telling Scottish politicians to stop the dodgy TTIP trade deal.
And then this afternoon we saw another great sign of our pressure starting to work. The SNP announced a tougher stance, expressing “strong dissatisfaction both with the process and content of TTIP”. They even mentioned our TTIP Day of Action in their press release – a very clear sign that the efforts of 38 Degrees members have got their attention and are helping shift their position.
38 Degrees members are speaking out because TTIP is a threat to Scotland’s public services and Scotland’s democratic future. Together, bit by bit, we’re making sure every Scottish politician realises that.
So now we’ve got the attention of politicians in Scotland, let’s keep the pressure up. Even if you couldn’t make it in person today, you can help amplify the call to stop TTIP.
Please can you take two minutes to email your MP candidates, asking them to oppose this dodgy trade deal? Click here to send a quick email.
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Here’s some pictures and tweets of the fantastic 38 Degrees members out campaigning across Scotland today: