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Apr 16th, 2015

Save the Woolwich Free Ferry

By Alexander Lusted

There has been a ferry crossing at Woolwich since the Norman Conquest, and official records report an almost unbroken service dating back to the 14th Century.

But now Woolwich Free Ferry is under threat.

People power has saved the Ferry before, and now 38 Degrees member Graham has organised a petition to save the only Thames crossing for miles in either direction.

Here’s what Graham has to say:

“Plans to scrap the iconic Woolwich Free Ferry were recently buried under TfL proposals for potential new East London River crossings at Silvertown and Gallions Reach, Thamesmead. While there is no doubt that East London needs better connectivity across the river, the TfL consultation has created a polarized and flawed perspective that sets the stage for it to be an either/ or debate.

The proposal for a new Bridge at Gallions Reach is particularly alarming. It is little more than a re-hash of a proposal that was rejected by the local community and eventually the government because it jeopardised some of our ancient woodlands and wetlands.

There remains a lot at stake. Scrapping the ferry would have a severe impact on our local maritime heritage. A Woolwich Ferry can be traced back to the Doomsday Book, and Woolwich has a proud maritime tradition as a one time host to the Woolwich Royal Dockyards.



The ferry is still the best option to cross the river for cyclists and moped riders – which is not to mention pedestrians, who might not relish the idea of having to brave a long and fumey tunnel.

What’s more, the Free Ferry is the uniquest part of Woolwich’s history and culture. It is a public asset, there for the benefit of all Londoners and beyond. In a city where everything else has a price tag thats got to be something worth fighting to keep.

Please support our campaign.’

‪#‎savethewoolwichfreeferry‬ ‪#‎tfl‬ ‪#‎mayoroflondon‬

If you think the Free Ferry should carry on sailing, you can sign Graham’s petition here:



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