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Apr 26th, 2015

Sheffield people march against TTIP and the NHS

By 38 Degrees team

The People’s NHS have done an immense amount of work in Sheffield Hallam, Nick Clegg’s constituency, around the NHS and TTIP. 1500 constituents had written personally to Mr Clegg, asking him to make a stand against TTIP. It was decided to organise a march on April 25, to his office, from Endcliffe Park. More 250 people turned up including many members from 38 Degrees. (Our members were also running stalls, simultaneously, in other parts of Sheffield). When the march assembled I had the privilege of being the first speaker, and can be seen in the above cartoon.

This and the other cartoons below were drawn by a community reportage illustrator supporting good causes and people in Sheffield. Samantha: a great big thank you!  (Twitter @sgalbraith47 ; Facebook Samantha Galbraith).
The photos which follow are from the beginning of the march. There were representatives from a wide spectrum of  organisations, including the  two universities and the Trades Council,  and we were fortunate because people from Sheffield formed an ad-hoc choir, which sang Pro-NHS songs.

I spoke to a nurse on the march and she told us how management had instructed her and her colleagues not to attend!
The march was noisy and cheerful and many motorists added to the cacophony by tooting their horns. There were no signs of Nick Clegg at the constituency office and the heavens opened up just as we reached the office!

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