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Apr 27th, 2015

Bristol West: Out on the streets for our NHS!

By 38 Degrees team

On Saturday 38 Degrees members in Bristol West were out speaking to hundreds of people about why they should vote to save our NHS this election.

We met at the Galleries to collect signatures for our huge petition asking local candidates to save the NHS if they’re elected.

Together we donned doctors’ scrubs and Save our NHS t-shirts. Armed with placards and petition sheets, we made sure people were in no doubt that they need to vote if they want to save the NHS from privatisation, TTIP and funding cuts. There was even an ambling band to keep our spirits up!

Bristol West NHS day 25th April

Bristol West NHS day 25th April

Bristol West NHS day 25th April

Together we spoke to over 800 people who signed the petition in two hours! 4000 people had already signed the petition online, so we were well prepared to meet the candidates at College Green at 2.45pm to give them the petition in person.

When the candidates arrived, about 40 people were holding up a huge banner reading ‘No TTIP, Hands off democracy – Save our NHS!’. It was an impressive sight as they walked across College Green towards us.

Bristol West NHS day 25th April

Stephen Williams (Lib Dem), Thangam Debbonaire (Labour), Darren Hall (Green), Claire Hiscott (Con), Dawn Parry (Independents for Bristol) and Stewart Weston (Left Unity) all came to collect the petition.

Each of them made a statement on camera about whether they’d repeal the Health and Social Care Act if they’re elected. They all said they would, except Stephen Williams and Claire Hiscott.

Bristol West NHS day

Stephen Williams, Liberal Democrat candidate

Bristol West NHS day

Claire Hiscott, Conservative candidates

Bristol West NHS day

Thangam Debbonaire, Labour candidate

Bristol West NHS day

Darren Hall, Green candidate

Bristol West NHS day

Steward Weston, Left Unity candidate

Bristol West NHS day

Dawn Parry, Independents for Bristol candidate

All in all it was a great day. Together, 38 Degrees members spoke to hundreds of Bristolians about the NHS and hammered home our message to the MP candidates that they need to save our NHS.

Bristol West NHS day

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