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Apr 29th, 2015

A heartfelt thank you to Ealing Hospital

By 38 Degrees team

At lunchtime on Tuesday a group of 38 Degrees members and supporters of the local ‘Save our NHS Ealing’ campaign met with more than 20 doctors, nurses, midwives and other NHS staff outside the Ealing Hospital.

We were there to present the staff with a HUGE thank you card full of touching and heart-warming messages from local users of the hospital.

Thank you NHS - Ealing Hospital

Ealing resident Eve Turner gave a brief speech before inviting the hospital staff to read the messages of support written to them. “You all do a fantastic job caring for our community. Despite the on-going threats made to close the maternity unit and downgrade the A&E you have been there for me, my family and our community in times of need. On behalf of the local community I want to express our heartfelt thanks” said Eve.

hank you NHS - Ealing Hospital

Three of the Ealing hospital staff members responded, thanking the local community for their on-going support and stating loudly and proudly their track record in delivering high quality care.

The local newspaper ‘Get West London’ covered the event, read the article here.

The hospital will have the card on display and will invite people to add further messages of thanks and support over time.

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