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Apr 30th, 2015

Turning the Tide in Holyrood

By 38 Degrees team

Today our politicians in Holyrood debated the dodgy trade deal TTIP – and 38 Degrees members were right there in the chamber with them.

“The strength of public feeling on TTIP is clear from all our inboxes!”
Christina McKelvie, MSP

MSPs knew just how important this debate was, because since Monday we’ve sent them over 27,000 emails urging them to attend the debate and vote to back the parliament’s critical report.  We really made an impact – during the debate MSPs mentioned the campaign no fewer than ten times!

In her speech Jean Urquhart MSP noted that it was “only the determined work of campaigners has revealed the threat that TTIP poses to democracy”.  And Rod Campbell MSP mentioned the incredible 38 Degrees group in St Andrews who have been relentlessly campaigning on TTIP.

The parliament voted to continue its investigation into the impact of TTIP on Scotland, and to back the report which says ISDS – the part of the deal that would let corporations sue our government – should not be allowed.

38 Degrees members braved the weather to gather outside parliament with our friends from Global Justice Now and other organisations, then headed inside for the lively debate.

Here’s what they had to say about the day:

It wouldn’t have occurred to me to come to parliament for this debate – thanks to 38 Degrees for making it possible!  – Chris

It was a fantastic day – especially all the MSPs who spoke mentioned how they’d been getting messages from constituents – and it just showed you, people power is here! Not matter what age you are, you still have power. – Jean

TTIP is a nightmare – and without organisations like 38 Degrees none of us would know about it. – Dorothy

The vote today was symbolic – the Scottish Parliament doesn’t have a say on TTIP, despite the fact that Scotland would be hugely impacted by the deal. But the mood in the chamber was clear – our politicians in Holyrood are listening to us, they’re looking into the issues – and they’re turning against TTIP.  We think there might be a full debate on TTIP in the Scottish parliament soon – a great chance to get more MSPs to join the campaign.  An anti-TTIP motion (view here under ‘recent motions’) has now been signed by over 30 MSPs – more proof that they’re listening to 38 Degrees members, as many of us asked our MSPs to support this motion in our emails to them.


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