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May 5th, 2015

2,845 people of Hove say “Please, oh please, protect our NHS”

By 38 Degrees team

Brighton NHS DoA

Mischa, Alasdair and Lorna present the petition to two Parliamentary candidates standing in Hove: Chris Hawtree standing for the Green Party and Peter Kyle for the Labour Party.

The petition calls on Parliamentary candidates to protect our NHS by:

  • Stopping privatisation
  • Making sure it has enough funding to provide high quality healthcare to everyone
  • Protecting it from US health corporations by keeping the NHS out of TTIP

Pat, a 38 Degrees member from Hove said: “The NHS saved my life. I had a life threatening situation, saw my doctor and the very same day found myself in an operating theatre. We have the best health care system in the world and have to do all we can to protect it 

At time of writing the petition for Hove is at 2,845 and keeps on growing. Not signed it yet?! Sign it here.

What an enormous shame that Graham Cox (Conservative), and Kevin Smith (UK Independence Party) declined our invitation to receive our petition and commit to protect the NHS.

We went out looking for them to hand over the petition…

Brighton NHS DoA

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