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May 5th, 2015

3 day march against the £1.2 Billion sell-off of Staffordshire cancer care facilities

By 38 Degrees team

 The £1.2 billion proposal to privatise cancer treatment and end of life care in Staffordshire is gathering momentum.
 But protesters are determined to put a stop to this;  see this petition.

Four weeks ago a handful of trade unionists, NHS campaigners and 38 Degrees local organisers sat down in a Burton pub. They decided to organise a  3 day march, the bank holiday weekend before the election to protest against the plans to sell off NHS cancer and end of life care in Staffordshire.

Have a look at this rather good seven and a half minute video: https://vimeo.com/126921298. It has some incredible snippets from Harry Smith (the 92 year old pensioner who spoke at the Labour Party conference), Professor Ray Tallis, and Sarah a breast cancer patient, and has a lovely simply message to be got out to all.

We brought the 38 Degrees ambulance down to to see them off, on the Saturday from Burton, and you can see a wonderful array of campaigners and banners:


Formally the  march was organised by East Staffordshire Trades Council Cancer Not For Profit and North Staffordshire Trades Council
Here are some pictures from Blythe Bridge on Monday morning:



Below you can see final rally in  at Hanley Park, Stoke with incredibly inspiring speeches from NHS campaigners and 38 Degrees local organisers:


Do share the video : https://vimeo.com/126921298. It has some lovely interviews with Harry Smith (the 92 year old pensioner who spoke at the Labour Party conference), Professor Ray Tallis, and Sarah a breast cancer patient,

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