Jul 8th, 2015
TTIP: who voted for what?
By Amy Lockwood
Today, all MEPs had the chance to vote on TTIP for the first time. It was a vote to give a signal to the officials behind the deal, of whether Europe was broadly in favour or against.
The vote didn’t go the right way. The majority of MEPs across Europe gave their first thumbs up to the deal. So now TTIP will keep being negotiated with America.
Before the vote, over half of the UK’s MEPs had committed to voting against the whole of TTIP unless the worst bits were taken out. That includes all Labour, UKIP, Green, SNP and Plaid Cymru MEPs.
It looks like they stayed firm in their commitment (note that it looks like David Martin – Labour – voted the wrong way, but this is a technicality based on his position in the S&D group meaning he has to follow a different voting whip. He’s actually on the same side as other Labour MEPs, against ISDS)
You can take a look here to see how your MEP voted:
Or on the European Parliament website: