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Jul 24th, 2015

Support wind farms in Scotland

By Megan Bentall



Today Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon slammed the UK government’s plans to scrap support for wind farms across the UK. 70% of planned future farms are in Scotland and the government’s cuts could cost Scotland £3bn. So 38 Degrees member Dan has started a petition to keep the support in place.

He thinks the government should phase funding out slowly – protecting the wind industry and 30,000 jobs. The cuts haven’t happened yet. A massive public petition calling on David Cameron to drops his plans, along with  pressure from Scottish politicians, could be enough to keep the support for wind farms in place.

If you agree that we should be investing in renewable energy jobs instead of dirty fossil fuels then you can sign Dan’s petition here.

Here’s what Dan says says:

“Brutally cutting subsidies now will effectively destroy the onshore sector at a critical time in its development.

The Government’s own surveys show that onshore wind commands the support of over two thirds of those asked, far more than fracking. The Govt’s destruction of the onshore wind sector will destroy investor confidence in UK renewables and will fly in the face of global moves to protect the climate.”

Dan started his campaign on the 38 Degrees Campaigns by You website. If there’s another issue in Scotland that you’d like to campaign on then you can start your own campaign here.

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