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Aug 12th, 2015

TTIP: Day of Action 2015

By Amy Lockwood

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is a terrible deal – but most people have never heard of it. It would let more bee-killing pesticides on our fields and many more banned chemicals into our food. And it could give big businesses the right to sue the UK if they don’t like our laws.

If we want to stop this dangerous deal, we need more people to join the campaign so politicians know they won’t be able to get it past us.

That’s why 38 Degrees members in your area are getting together to spread the word about TTIP and get more people behind the campaign to stop this trade deal. But it’s not just people living in your area going out – there are thousands of 38 Degrees members meeting up across the UK. If we can turn more of the public against this shady deal it’ll be impossible for politicians to pass it.

On the day, 38 Degrees members will be adding people’s names to the massive Europe wide petition against TTIP, and handing out leaflets.

Please can you register today?

Click here to join your local team.

Don’t worry if you’ve not done something like this before – there are bound to be other 38 Degrees members in the same boat – along with others who might have lots of experience! You can stay as long as you want – for an hour or the whole day!

Here’s what some 38 Degrees members who went out on the last TTIP day thought:

Janet said her favourite moment was “The guy who came running into the station to sign the petition – saying ‘I’ve read the leaflet and come back to sign – its criminal that its not out in the open”

Richard said it was “Empowering to meet others who felt strongly about the issue, some of whom I turned out to know already.”

And Dan said “The best bits were meeting other members and talking to so many interesting people. People I would normally walk past in the street. Above all, it was a buzz getting the message across and getting people interested in the cause.”


Together we’ll shine a light on this dangerous trade deal and make it impossible for politicians to sneak it through.

Please click here to join your local team.

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