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Aug 17th, 2015

TTIP: chip in to fund materials

By Amy Lockwood

Five days and counting: on Saturday, 38 Degrees members are meeting up to spread the word about a sinister EU-US trade deal called TTIP.

The deal is huge, dangerous and almost no one knows about it. And that’s exactly what the powerful interests behind it want. So a whopping 7,229 38 Degrees members are volunteering in hundreds of towns and villages in the UK on Saturday. They’ll be talking to their neighbours and ramping up the pressure just before MPs come back from their summer holidays.

Here’s how you can help. Every volunteer is getting a pack of materials in the post – leaflets, posters, badges.

Could you help cover the cost of a pack or two? For £3.14, you could pay for 100 leaflets: that’s up to 100 more people who’ll know how dangerous this behind-closed-doors deal is. Not bad for £3.14.

38 Degrees is funded entirely by people like you. Not by big business, or by political parties. That means we’re free to hold anyone and everyone to account: including those behind TTIP (who are desperately hoping ordinary people don’t get involved).

Saturday’s day of action against this sinister trade deal will echo across the country. 7,000 ordinary people will be hitting the streets to talk to their neighbours. That’s people power in action.

Can you help it happen by chipping in to fund a couple of packs of materials today? Please click here to make a secure donation.

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