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Sep 2nd, 2015

48 hours: bees (written by Paul, 38 Degrees member)

By Alpha Gougsa

In 48 hours, I’m meeting with the government minister in charge of bees – Liz Truss. She’s my MP – I’m going to talk to her about toxic bee-killing pesticides, and why they need to stay off our fields. I’m Paul, a 38 Degrees member from Norwich.

Liz Truss hasn’t been doing as much as she should to protect our bees – last month she lifted the ban on bee-killing pesticides in some areas. She’s got toxic chemical companies in her ears, but it’s up to us to drown them out.

On Friday, I want to show her just how many of us care about our bees. Already, half a million of us have signed the petition against bee-killing pesticides.

Bees are crucial to life on earth – we rely on them to pollinate many of the fruit and veg we eat. But powerful pesticides called ‘neonicotinoids’ are killing them. 

Liz Truss has already heard the science – but that’s not enough for politicians. She’ll be weighing up the public opinion too. Together, we need to give Liz Truss the boost to make a bold decision: follow the public to protect the bees.
What’s more powerful than a million voices, coming together behind me in the meeting?

She wants to hear what I’ve got to say, and I’ll tell her: keep the ban on these toxic pesticides.

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