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Sep 22nd, 2015

Expose TTIP!

By Rachel Oliver

Overnight, this new pharmaceutical boss hiked-up the price of a drug used to treat HIV by 5500% – just like that. American laws give drugs companies exclusive rights to sell their drugs at any price they like.

If the TTIP trade deal goes ahead, US drug laws would apply here in Britain. Leaving our NHS to pay potentially much higher prices for life-saving medicine. It could cripple and bankrupt our already-struggling NHS.

Can you share this picture with your friends and family to help expose how TTIP could cripple our NHS? The more we get the word out, the harder it will be for politicians to sneak the deal through under the radar.


Swathes of pharmaceutical lobbyists are cramming into the corridors of Brussels trying to get TTIP passed – so they can get more control and hike up drug prices. But a growing people-powered campaign is exposing them and pushing our politicians to stand up for people, not big business.

Together, 38 Degrees members have helped turn more than half of our MEPs against the dodgy, anti-democratic deal. We’ve signed petitions, taken to the streets in our thousands and showered our MPs and MEPs with tweets, emails and calls. It’s working, but we’ve got to get more people involved to make politicians feel the heat and change their tune.

The more we get the word out, the more toxic it is for politicians to support the deal. So will you help expose the deal by passing this image on to someone you know who maybe hasn’t heard about TTIP yet? You could forward this email or share the image on Facebook.

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